Frequently-Asked Questions

Do you have questions about our work at Meownistry of Meow? We've gathered some of the most common ones here. You are also welcome to whatsapp us at any time to enquire.

Cat-related Questions

How many cats are in the premises?

The number of cats varies from time to time. You can check out this list of our cats to see the current cats at our space. It varies between 9 - 15 cats usually, up to 20 at maximum.

Where do the cats come from?

The cats come from various sources, sometimes from independent community cat feeders, rescuers or individuals who no longer have the means to take care of their cat.

Meownistry acts as the fosterer, and usually a separate person is the rescuer for the cats.

When are the cats most active?

We are unable to gauge, as each cat has their own personality. However, they tend to be more active around meal times and in the evening.

When are the feeding times for the cats?

We feed them at 1130am, 3pm, and 9pm daily.

Can we feed the cats?

We sell treats on our premises if you would like to purchase them for the cats. This is limited to 5 a day to protect our cats.

No other food - human or otherwise - is allowed to be given to the cats. Customers found doing so will be fined $200.

Where do the cats go at night when the staff leaves?

The cats are allowed to roam in the space if we are 100% sure they get along after observation in the day. Otherwise, they are separated in a different space to make sure they are safe. We monitor them via the CCTV as needed as well.

What is the process for adoption?

Meownistry acts as the fosterer for the cats, and usually a separate person is the rescue for the cats. The rescuer has final say in the adoption for the cat.

The adoption process starts with the rescuer of the cat doing a home visit. If the house is sufficiently cat proofed, we start a home trial on a separate date for at least 2 weeks before the adoption. If you're keen to adopt, fill in the Meownistry adoption form here and we'll get back to you.

The adoption fee is set by the rescuer of the cat, generally it is $250 but it may vary.

Can I bring cats to Meownistry for fostering?

We do have some criteria in place before cats can be brought to Meownistry. This is our criteria in order of priority:

  1. Fiv/felv negative - must-have to protect our existing cats.
  2. Be free of infectious diseases/parasites - must-have to protect our existing cats. Examples include ringworm and ear mites.
  3. Sterilized.
  4. Vaccinated.
  5. Dewormed and deflea-ed.
  6. Microchipped.
  7. Able to thrive in a space with other cats.
  8. Friendly with people.
  9. Have a separate rescuer attached to the cat for help with promoting adoption, and with vet bills. The rescuer will set the adoption fee.

All cats will be quarantined for at least two weeks or longer depending on circumstances before slowly introducing them to the other cats in our space.

Do you offer cat boarding services?

We currently don't offer cat boarding but may be open to it in the future.

Do the cats get stressed when there are a lot of people?

When the space is busy, we will closely monitor the cats to ensure they are feeling good and will remind the crowd to be more quiet if it gets too loud.

Are the cats allowed in private rooms?

Yes except private room 1 because of the karaoke system. The cats in the private rooms are usually there because of reasons like being on a special diet or not doing well with other cats, and should not be moved except with staff assistance.

Why are the cats ignoring me?

Each cat has their own personality and some of them are more aloof than others. They also naturally sleep for up to 20 hours a day!

That being said, you can approach the staff for tips on how to interact with the cats, and we would be more than happy to help you.

One sure-fire way to get cats to come to you is to purchase a cat treat to entice them to you. You may approach our staff if you'd like to give them treats.

Facilities & Bookings

Do you have food and drinks at the premises?

At the Meownistry of Meow, we only sell small pre-packaged snacks. We have free-flow packet drinks and hot drinks available.

Customers are welcome to bring their own food, but please ensure you clean up after yourselves. Feeding the cats is strictly prohibited (besides treats from Meownistry), and violations will incur a $200 fine.

What are your operating hours?

We operate from 11am-10pm daily. If we have closures, we will announce it on social media.

Are walk-ins allowed?

Walk ins are allowed, but if you would like your slot to be reserved, please make a booking for us to hold your space. For private events and whole-space bookings, a booking is required so that we can plan for it in advance.

How do I make a booking?

You can make a booking via the software at this page.

Open lounge

For visits longer than 1 hour, please make multiple bookings as the system currently does not support bookings longer than that. Thank you!

Day pass

Write in the comments that you are opting for a day pass.

Private rooms

Select the room type via the booking system and book multiple slots if you are booking for more than an hour.

How long in advance do I need to book?

At least 3 days in advance would be ideal for us to plan capacity.

For advance bookings, you can make bookings at most 2 months in advance.

Are children allowed at the premises?

Children under 10 years old are not allowed in the space to protect our cats and offer a quiet environment for co-working and relaxing.

Can I choose my own seats?

Yes, seats are avaliable on a first-come first-serve basis. You may be asked to move to accommodate bigger groups if no other spaces are available for them.

For the day pass, are we able to leave and enter again afterwards?

Yes, you can leave and enter however many times you like. However, it is not allowed to reserve seats with items while you are out. We may be able to help store items in the locker or behind in the reception.

If we have a private room booking, can we use the open lounge as well?

Absolutely, your private room booking includes open space access.

Are there adjustable-height tables, wifi and charging spots on the premise?

Yes we have all three in our facilities.

Are the 10x 1-hour pass and 30x 1-day pass shareable?

Yes they can be shared, however we'd need the physical Meownistry of Meow passport for verification when anyone uses the pass.

For day pass, do I have to use it on the same day of purchase and can it be shared?

Yes, it's to be used on the spot and cannot be shared.

How do I pay for a pass?

You can pay when you arrive at our space. For advanced whole-space bookings, you can payow our UEN at 202313416D and we require 50% deposit upfront. We accept cash, paynow/paylah, and card.

Are you able to issue an invoice?

Invoices are available on request.